
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free 2012 Calenders (Just Pay Shipping)

Hurry on over to Vistaprint to order a FREE customizable 2012 Calender. All you have to do is pay shipping. This would make a great gift or something to hang in your own office. I order several things from Vistaprint for our business and they have great products and very reasonably priced.

Christmas is Over...a New Year is Almost Here

All of the excitement and waiting is over. It is almost time to put up the tree and lights. The kids will soon be over their "new toy" excitement and they'll sit in a corner and collect dust and they will be hollering they are bored again. Yes, Christmas has come and gone. Probably my favorite time of the year is January 1st. Why? Because it seems like a fresh start...a New Year.

I haven't exactly set my New Year's resolutions...not that I ever stick with them but I try to set some and at least stick with them for more than two weeks. They are always the general ones like everyone else has: lose weight, be nicer, stay in touch with family more, etc etc. But I think when you are like me and can't stick with something more than a few days its easier to go week by week. If I can just make it through one week then maybe the next week (and the following ones after that) will be least that's what I'll keep telling myself. Enough with all that though. I think the older I get the more I realize that nothing is more important to me than keeping my faith in God. So, basically, my plan is to rely fully on get me through everything I think I want or might need to do with my life. I'll wait for His direction...not mine or anyone else's. I encourage you to do the same.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and may all of your resolutions be kept! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Keep Going

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."--Will Rogers

This quote made me think. First of all, because it is in my Critical Thinking and Decision Making Book I am having to read for my current online class. For another, lately, I've struggled with what I'm supposed to do with my life, who I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to look like, how I'm supposed to dress, and much more. I think as women and mothers we all struggle with this. And most of the time we are all on right track but we don't go for our dreams and goals because we feel selfish about moving foward when our kids deserve all the attention. I know I do. I go shopping for me and with all good intentions I walk in saying I'm going to by ME something but then that guilt trip moves in on me and I end up buying nothing and something for them. If I do buy something for me its something little and something that will end up in a makeup drawer with absolutely little to no use.

I tell myself frequently that it is okay for me to splurge sometimes and for them to go without something. They aren't going to die if they don't get something everytime we go into a store. Lord knows I didn't get something everytime my mom went into a store..but then again neither did she.

I'd like us, as mothers and fathers, to look past the "kids deserve everything" for just one day and realize that we have to take care of our selves too. It is important to have dreams and goals that are gratifying and help us feel better about ourselves. It is important for them to learn to do without all of the time.

So if you find yourself on the track going in the right direction...don't just sit there...get up and act on your dreams and your goals because when your kids are grown and out of the house you may be too old, or too sick or for whatever reason can't accomplish what you put off today.

All You...Great for YOU

I found a fantabulous website that has it all! All You ( is a Wal-mart magazine with tons of coupons, recipes and tips for everyday people. The website is also just as awesome with tips on recipes, menu planning, printable coupons, fashion, and much more! I invite you to take a look and if you desire, subscribe to the magazine. If you frequent Wal mart I would suggest you pick up a copy because it will for sure save you money!

Cheerleading Clearance Sale!

If you guys are like are always on the hunt for practical and great deals! My daughter will start her second year in Peewee Cheer this year and it is just about as demanding as high school. LOL. But either way, I love watching her have fun and she loves dancing around and being a prissy little girl.

Today, I ran across a clearance catalog from Varsity Cheer & Dance. The link is enclosed in the post. Check out the items and you're sure to save some moola on your cheerleaders upcoming season! :)

Good luck all you cheer moms!

Ok...sorry...its been a long time...I know

I haven't exactly kept up with this blog like I said I always, school, baseball, kids, husband, house work...something comes up and by the end of the day the last thing on my mind is posting.

So, I'll take the time to update you on a few things.

Matthew played his last season baseball game on Monday night. Kind of bittersweet considering he has done so well the first year he's played and I kind of like meeting up with all of the parents twice a week or more for interaction and just to watch all the boys play. They do soooo good and try soooo hard. Our regional tourney is Saturday...ALL day. :) Depending on what time it ends the kids will then venture off to Camden to stay with my sister for a week or two. I won't know what to with myself then!

I've been home for three weeks now...waited all this time for unemployment and its not I must start the appeal process...personally, I'm not the least happy about it. I've been looking for PT work in Glenwood because to drive so far to and from Hot Springs barely makes it worth finding a job there.

I have two more weeks left in this Critical Thinking class that started three weeks ago. Then, off to the next class. I may take a couple of weeks off just so I can breath for a little while. But then again, the sooner I get it over with the faster I'll have my degree. Haven't decided if I want to pursue my Master's yet but seriously thinking about it...only because I might as well since I'm already in that frame of mind. I'm just tired of writing papers and working in "teams" when not everyone is as motivated as myself.

One of my goals this summer is to learn to coupon. I've been following and reading all these blogs of these women that coupon and they save and get all this stuff for free! I don't know why I can't do that especially since we live on one income now. That would, perhaps, lenghten my ability to be able to be a stay at home mom. We'll see. I'll post more information as I get maybe you can become a coupon mom too!

I guess that's about it right now. Look forward to comments and suggestions. Have a great day!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I think its great how church makes you think...I'm not talking about just thinking about for a minute but actually reflecting on your life. It's amazing how we all get caught up in the world and sometimes forget just who we are supposed to be living for. No matter how rough life gets and no matter how many times we forget...God is why we are here. If you aren't a Christian or could care less about any of this then don't bother reading any further. I realize not everyone is at "this" point in their life where I am and I'm not the way you get there. This is, however, my personal blog and if you'd like to read further please feel free. But please don't leave cruel comments about how you don't agree with me.

Sometimes in a person's life their main goal is to get "something" or "somewhere" or to become "someone" yet they never really feel fully satisfied with their life. There is always something missing no matter how much money you get, how many "things" you have, etc. And its amazing how, typically, God is the last person on the list to make us realize that He can satisfy us. He's like a cold drink of water when you're in the desert. He keeps you going when no one or nothing can.

I was recently "ridiculed" by someone that really hurt me. I was referred to as "poor" and looking doesn't hurt my feelings the way it once did. Not that I think I'm better than anyone because anyone that knows me knows I am not that way. My point is...I'm content with the small things in life. I'm content with living in a modest home and driving modest cars. I'm content with having what I need in life and maybe just a little extra. Life isn't about how much you can get or what you can become. Its about what you are doing to live for God and to help others in the name of Jesus. If you chose to live a luxurious life then go for it. But if I do not choose that for me and my children then don't ridicule me. Before you or anyone else judges anyone...perhaps you should look into the mirror and ask yourself are you happy with your life. Typically people will ridicule others when they are miserable. Don't try to fix mine when yours probably needs help more. And believe me, I'm not judging anyone throught his post. Its actually just a reflection of things that were on my heart at the time.

The funny thing about having blogs is that people will follow you and will read your posts and will claim on their blogs that everyone has their right to an opinion, religion and whatever else but when you post something that offends them then that right is absolutely void for anyone but them. The practical truth is that we all have a right to speech, religion or whatever. But that doesn't mean we have to be hateful or judgemental.

On another note, I think it is important that I stop worrying about what someone else thinks of me because in the end no one's opinion will wont matter what I wore...what my home looked like...what car I drove...what shoes I my hair was fixed...nothing. I pray God takes my blinders away and opens my eyes to what is important in life...and that is to follow Him and do His Will. Because, ultimately, I want to go Home and be safe from this more more heartache.